Tuesday 17 June 2014


*Q : Question
*A : Answer

Q : What is XNALara ?
A : XNALara is a real time posing and rendering program written by Dusan Pavlicek and had been released for the first time on February, 20, 2009 on tombraiderforums.com.
   Dusan, the creator of XNALara, managed to extract Lara Croft's model from the game Tomb Raider Underworld (TRU), converted it for his program, using the Microsoft XNA framework, and shared it, letting people play with it and create art.
  Dusan has updating his program many times. Dec 31, 2010 he has stoped the development and has released the program source code http://xnalara.sourceforge.net for using without any restrictions http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showpost.php?p=5429262&postcount=75 as "Public domain software". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain_software

There is a huge -and quickly growing- list of 3d models and
characters you can use in XNALara and create wonderful renders! Since version 9.7.8 therfore XNALara has the new name XNALara/XPS (Xna Posing Studio)

Q : What is the difference of XNAlara and XPS ?

A :

  • XNALara - 3D posing software, free of charge, primarily for Tomb Raider: Underworld model. The first model was Lara Croft, wearing her "jungle shorts".

  • XPS - 3D posing software based on XNALara, for any 3D character. With a rather rudimentary way to make a keyframe animation. Free of charge.

Q : How to download XNALara ?

A : You can download in here Windows XNALara version: XPS - Countdown Preview Edition 

Q : How to install XNALara ?

A : 

  • Windows XP or Vista:
  1. First, Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  2. After that, install Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0
  •  Windows 7 : 
  1.  Install Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0
  •  Windows 8 :
  1. You need a .NET framework 3.5 because the .NET Framework 3.5 is not automatically installed with Windows 8
  2. .NET Framework 4.5 is included with Windows 8 and installed on your computer with the operating system.
  3. You must enable .NET version 3.5 on your computer. There are two ways you can do this: 
   a. by installing or running an application that requires the .NET Framework 3.5 (that is, by installing the .NET Framework 3.5 on demand)
   b. by enabling the .NET Framework 3.5 in Control Panel.

Note : Both options require an Internet connection. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh506443.aspx
Q : Do you have a tutorial for XNALara ?

Q : What is new from XNALara ?
A : 
  1. - The "Add Item(s) ..." window now has a preview image function.
  2. New render groups 38 (no alpha) and  39 (with alpha): They require 4# textures: diffuse bump specular emission in this order. The value usage stays the same for the global intensity of the specular effect.
  3. The menu item "Window-->3D canvas size ..." has a new item "Preview image size" to set the best size and background color for making the preview images (for the mouse over effect explained above under 1.)
  4. New feature: "Options-->Camera Parameters ...  -->Rotation roll" allows you to create more dynamic camera angles. Roll, which we usually don't experience is when you tilt your head (rotation around Z-axis). 

Source : XNALara Forum


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